Voici pour vous une vidéo, et des pièces d'anthologie qui ont probablement, selon Pitchfork Media inspiré la création du disque de Hercules & Love Affair.
"Butler got his start writing music for art projects in college-- "like a remake of Gino Soccio's 'Runaway' done in the style of Kraftwerk."

"the record owes a debt to the dance-music of the 1970s and 80s, from Gamble & Huff-style strings to the camp sensibilities of Sylvester or Patrick Cowley."

"Butler has clearly studied Arthur Russell: His dancefloor jams have the same energy that drives uptempo Russell numbers like "Go Bang" and "Is It All Over My Face?", and his arrangements-- as when he nestles Kim Ann Foxman's voice in a bed of spongy keys and bass on "Athene", like an Easter egg in plastic grass-- recall Russell's facility for space and timbre."

Dinosaur L - Go Bang [Francois Kervorkian Mix]
Prod. Arthur Russell & Will Socolov, Go Bang #5 / Clean On Your Bean #1 [12"], 1982
aussi The World Of Arthur Russell, 2004
Prod. Arthur Russell & Will Socolov, Go Bang #5 / Clean On Your Bean #1 [12"], 1982
aussi The World Of Arthur Russell, 2004
1 commentaire(s):
fuqu9 y9ah!!!
OUTARAGATRON est en mode demi-dieux grec!!!
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